Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lakefront Dan Brewed A Baltic Porter

The Dirt
I love drinking beer from my home state (WI). So imagine my surprise when I see "Lakefront" in the bomber room of my favorite liquor store. The excitement multiplied, as the beer was a Baltic porter - one of my favorite beer styles (see my review on New Old Lompac's).

This beer pours a deep beautiful black. It starts out sharp and dry, but finishes smoother - especially after it warms up a tad. That back side has a dark, dry chocolate nibs profile that is delicious after a meal. Was a bit boozy on the front at the start, and the naming convention is a bit odd, but overall this brew was darn tasty and would be ideal on a cold night.

Worth it?
I recall this being rather affordable for the beer style and bomber size. There's a good chance I'll buy again.

The Final Word

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