Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Uinta Baba Black Lager

The Dirt
Lagers often have a lot of flavor and then finish clean, which often works well for the lighter lagers. Black lagers are interesting because they're dark and, well, a lager. I don't think this always works well, but Uinta's Baba Black Lager is certainly one of the best I've had.

The beer is very dark, though a hint of light can be seen through it. It has medium body with a great and powerful roasted front end. This initial flavor lasts longer than most black lager, but disappears about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way through, finishing crisp but without much character. The flavor seems to last longer when drinking with food and letting it get a tad warmer, although I felt that the roastiness gets a bit overpowering as it gets warmer.

Overall this is one of the best black lagers I've had, and is a good fall beer or a dark beer you can drink in warmer months. It was especially good with salty food. It's not a beer style I gravitate towards frequently, but this was a good representation.

Worth it?
One of the better black lagers, though a bit pricy. As I stated, I'm not one to buy black lagers frequently. But if you like the style or you're put off by the big sweet stouts, perhaps give this a try.

The Final Word

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