Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Shiner Wild Hare Pale Ale

The Dirt
I have to admit that I was rather intrigued that Shiner would make a pale ale. It was on sale one week, so I decided to give it a shot.

I prefer pale ales to be one of two things: big floral hops on the front that quickly disappear to a clean finish, or have a light but certainly present hop profile from start to finish, being a refreshing beer. I found the Wild Hare to be neither.

There was a very mild hop flavor up front, but it was pretty hidden. The beer reminded me more of a slightly sweeter amber, which more or less translates into being a generic ale or what some might call a "mild". This is also the case with the color profile, which is too dark for a pale ale in my opinion.

In all honesty, this isn't a bad beer - it's just not what I'd classify as a pale ale. If it were marketed as something else, I'd probably give it higher marks.

Worth it?
Eh, I think I paid $5.99 for the six-pack, so in that respect it was since it wasn't a bad beer. But if you want a true pale ale, I'd try something else.

The Final Word

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