Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sam Adams Infinium

The Dirt
Sorry Miller High Life, but someone just took your tag line and made it...well...real. A collaboration with Weihenstephan (the oldest brewery in the world at over 900 years old), the Infinium's characteristics make it the real champagne of beers. I don't mean it's the "cream of the crop", but literally like champagne. With high carbonation and pear notes that fade away to a dry white grape kind of flavor profile, it's hard not to think of champagne. But hints of citrusy hops are there, especially at the very end. The nose fits this description as well, with an apple cider aroma and citrus undertone. More simply put, you think cider/champagne but deep down know its base is a beer. The whole experience leaves you to almost believe it will be a sour, but doesn't quite go there and instead has that champagne dryness. It's actually a rather refreshing beer, but still very strong at 10.3% ABV. It would be neat if Sam Adams takes the concept and attempts a sour. But in its current form, the Infinium provides the craft beer lover a drink for popping and toasting when the ball drops at midnight. Be sure to share though, otherwise the flavor and dryness get a little too dominant on the taste buds.

As a note, I struggled with its rating. It's a very unique, and even good, beer. But I wouldn't want to drink it on any other night, and too much of it kind of ruins its specialness. Hmmm, wonder if it would've been good in orange juice...

Worth it?
This is the second year I've had the Infinium on New Year's Eve, and it's fun exactly for that. It's probably cheaper than a champagne of comparable quality, so as a beer lover I like the alternative. So yes, it's worth trying a unique beer on a unique night, even if you only do it once. But other occasions? If champagne is an option, then yes. Otherwise, wait until the ball drops.

The Final Word

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